How to paint your nails for a green dress: ideal nail polishes

They say that painting your nails well is an art and they are rightfully so, not only because you need precision not to go off the mark but also because you must choose the colors well. It won’t do you much good to paint your nails perfectly if they don’t match theta all.

And here two of our great passions come together: the desire for things well done, and our love for fashion and beauty. Shall we stop beating around the bush? Here are some infallible tricks to know how to paint your nails with a green dress and choose the most ideal nail polishes.

Nail polishes to wear with a green dress

The green dress to wear during the day or at night has carved a niche for itself in the wardrobe of many of us. But since things don’t seem to be entirely clear when it comes to combining it with your nail makeup, we are going to see these tips that will clear up your doubts once and for all.

  • Bright nail manicure to wear with everything

Glittery nails are perfect for wearing with any green dress. Whether for a casual look or for an elegant one, if you want a sure hit when painting, try transparent nail polish as a first layer and, as a second, one of glitters. It is simple, natural, and has a very cool chic touch. Undoubtedly, the key to following fashion without forgetting your own personal style.

  •  Green nails to match your dress

Colors can achieve harmony and contrast at the same time if you mix two shades that are the right ones. For example, you can wear an emerald green dress with opaque teal nails, or conversely, a military dress with bright green nails.

The green color palette gives a lot of play when it comes to combining two or more shades in the same set. Just remember that the rest of your accessories are simple and in neutral tones to let these two colors take all the attention.

  • Can I put bright colors like red or blue on my nails?

We advise you NOT to paint your nails in bright colors if your dress is very flashy. The reason? If you mix it with this color palette it won’t look too good. If you want your nails to have a shade that goes beyond, pale or soft pink, or beige, try nailing art.

Put, for example, the nail of your little finger in several stripes of a bright color to match the color details that your accessories have. In these cases, it is good to use bright tones, but never to paint the nails completely. Better to leave it for other dresses, unless you want to wear a color block.

  • French manicure to also wear with a green dress

Try to wear the French with your green dress and also add the nail make-up from the first example that we have told you about. That is, on two of your fingers put transparent nail polish and another layer of glitter. The French manicure design for all your nails except for two that will stand out for the glitter polish. Irresistible!

A little reminder: for your manicure to look good you have to choose the right color but it also has to be taken care of. Cut the cuticle, file your nails and hydrate them whenever you need it. Beauty starts from the base!

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